Q-Divas coupons, savings, and tips!
Binder Courses

Binder Courses

In our binder courses, we will teach you how to effectively save money through couponing. One of the key components in couponing is knowing which deals to go for, which coupons to use, and how to shop for those deals. The lessons will be broken down into three parts: Hot Coupons and Money Makers, Stores and their Policies, and Binder Organization. For the course, you will need the following items: A 3 ring binder with clear plastic sheet protectors, scissors, paper clips, ands a pouch (that attaches onto the binder). If you do not have these items, they will be provided at an additional cost.

Learn how to organize your coupon binder

A well organized binder is one of the keys to success in couponing


What We Do to Help

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